T h e W o r l d o f B e e s
» T h e r e i s o n e h a r d w o r k i n g a n d h a r d y b e e , t h e C a r n i o l a n b e e . «
dr. Philip Rothschütz (1857)
Our story in pictures

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Did you know?
Learn some interesting facts about bees.
Man's relationship with the bee is at least 20 to 30 thousand years old.
In the 14th century, beehives made of boards, known as kranjiči, appeared in Slovenia
The worker bee larva increases its mass by 500 times after 5-6 days of life.
A queen bee can lay up to 2000-3000 eggs per day
The energy value of 1 kg of honey equals the energy value of 50 eggs
In summer, bees live from 14 to 40 days, during the winter the lifespan can even be more than 140 days
There can be up to 50,000 worker bees in a hive, with natural development
The queen bee can live up to 5 years
A bee colony uses at least 40 kg of pollen for its annual build-up
satisfied customers
E x p e r i e n c e s o f o u r c u s t o m e r s
Every year I decide to buy your queen bees because I get what I expect. Queens at the agreed time, good profitability and gentle of bees.

As an organic beekeeper, I am well aware of the meaning of organic products. I do not produce royal jelly, but I recognize the quality and trust in the work of your beekeeping. The royal jelly is genuine and of high quality. I would recommend it.

We really like your product Trio, because it is so creamy and sweet, and it also strengthens our immune system. We recommend it to all parents of younger children who would like to give their little ones something high-quality and organic to boost their immunity.

We’ve been observing the love and attention that the Metelko family invests in their organic products for many years and we enjoy trying the final results of their cooperation with bees and nature.